Final Project

The last few weeks of class have been spent working on our final projects. The instructor gave us plenty of lea way on what to choose here. For me this was a slight problem, I have a hard time making choices. At first I had decided to go with the more structured option 2 for the final but then changed my mind after having a photo shoot and editing several gifs for the project. I felt like my original idea might have been too provocative to use in any other context and I wanted to be able to use it again if needed.

So I then went back to square one. I was editing some concert videos I had recently taken one evening and had an idea to edit them together into a slide show of all the concerts I had attended this year for my final. I had also missed the mini documentary so I considered doing this for my final as well. In the end there just was not enough time for me to complete the mini documentary (both me and my subjects schedules where to busy). 

Editing my concert photos and videos into a sort of slide show proved to be harder then I originally expected it to be. I am using the Openshot Video Editor software that I have downloaded on to my computer for free to edit the video and Audacity to edit the sound. But to edit any of the sound quality I had to first remove the sound from the videos and then use VLC Media Editor that I had to download to save the sound from the video as an mp3 file so that I could edit it in Audacity.

I edited the videos in Openshot (with some complications) and used Youtube to help look up instruction videos when I was not sure of how I wanted to do certain things. Turning videos the right direction was extremely difficult. The transitions are a little rough I had a hard time with getting them to flow right and Turning videos lead to all kinds of fun new things that didnt always turn out.

I had to pick and choose select videos and photos from the concerts as there was just too much content to add it all. The first concert I went to was a 3 day long festival and could have made its own slide show in all honesty. But I had a lot of fun completing this project. Even with the complications and the fact that Openshot saves extremely slow. And got a chance to reflect on a fun year.

My final product was uploaded to youtube. Here it is :


Week 12

This week we were assigned to do a mini documentary. Unfortunately due to illness over the last 2 weeks, I was unable to make my meeting happen. I have had to take the last 2 weeks off due to the flu and extreme dehydration and it has been difficult to get caught up. As well as me being ill the Women I had mad arrangements with fell ill as well.

Its unfortunate that I could not make the documentary happen she has a great story. To tell a little of her story she is Mrs. United States 2018 and a special education teacher. She is an advocate for adoption. After severe complications during delivery of her first child her and her husband didn’t think they would be able to have more children. After two years of secondary infertility they adopted their son. Just five days before his birth they got a positive pregnancy test and not long after found out she was pregnant with twins. Needless to say her story is interesting. She is from my hometown Chanute KS as well.

I did get the chance to view a few of the videos posted and it seems like the class did a great job as a whole. I had a hard enough time working on video editing from the assignment bank I fear my video would have been inferior to many that I saw. There were some great transitions.


Week 11

Week 11 was difficult for me. I had a lot going on and honestly really did not have the motivation this week to work on videos. Once I found the motivation and the right tools it was not that complicated though.

To begin the week I started considering what I was going to do for the mini documentary. I am still struggling with this at this time as I live a busy life and so does everyone else. I have reached out to a couple people in the community but as of right now have not been able to make our schedules work. I am really hoping that we can work something out soon so that I can get started on this project.

Next for the week I was tasked with doing 2 video assignments from the assignment bank the first was a High Cut , the next assignment I choose was the Video Crack.

I also did a couple daily creates this week:

Video Crack

This week we had to do 2 video assignments from the assignment bank, for one of my assignments I choose to do the assignment Video Crack! worth 3 stars. For this assignment  you were to pick a movie clip or different clips from a movie or a show and add songs to enhance the scene and try to make it at least a minutes long.

I choose a dance scene from Spiderman 3 from Youtube. And then I decided to add the song You Cant Touch this by Mc Hammer also from you tube and I just saved it as an mp3 so I only saved the audio and not the video. I used to rip the audio and video’s from youtube. I also used Audacity (I have it downloaded on my computer) to edit the audio to fit what I needed. And I used OpenShot Video editor (I also have on my computer) to edit the video and audio files together.

I saved my final result to my Flicker here it is:

Spiderman dance crack


High Cut

Alfred Hitchcock, the legendary master of suspense, shares a brief 90-second lesson on how a simple change in a three-shot edit can result in evoking a completely different response from the viewing audience. This week for one of our assignments was to do the assignment High Cut from the assignment bank worth 2 1/2 stars. The goal of the assignment was to use Alfred Hitchcock’s style to create a high cut video.

To do this assignment I downloaded Win Movie Maker onto my computer to edit the clips I selected. I also used You Tube to select the clips that I wanted. I had a hard time coming up with what I was going to do at first so I searched Alfred Hitchcock films to give me inspiration. I decided on the famous shower scene from his movie Psycho.

Then from there I decided to have some fun with it. I choose a random famous movie scream to use in one segment and the next I chose to use some clips from the movie Mask. I found it hard to edit all the scenes together and get a result that I was happy with but I finally achieved something I was ok with.

Then I exported the clip to my computer and found out the editing software I downloaded put a big ad in the middle of my clip. This made me pretty upset but I didn’t have time to find a new software and go through it all again. So I had to deal with it for the time being. I will be finding a new software for my next project though.

Here is my final result I also posted it to my Flicker:

Radio Show Week 2

This is week 9 and the second week of working on our radio show group projects. Our group has completed our show and Curt Watson Has offered to edit the final results together and turn in the final product. After all of the other group members which include myself, Le’Keathia Franklin, and Jerry Fifield, posted our final products on sound cloud and our group google doc curt edited all the individual pieces together. Here is a link to our google doc that we all edited : Google Doc.

My process for this assignment included choosing a topic based of what our group choose to talk about, doing some research on my topic, writing a script, recording the audio, finding sound clips from Purple Planet and as well as youtube, and then editing the content and editing again and again till I liked my result. As a group we had 3 zoom meetings to discuss the project unfortunately all 4 of us could not make a meeting at the same time.

I used Audacity to edit my material. I feel like you could spend an unlimited amount of time editing and it was difficult to stop and just be happy with a final result and not keep editing and tweaking. Overall I like our topic and feel like we got some great material. Our group worked well together as well.

Here is the link to our finished product:

This Week I also commented on Twitter as much as I could. I spent a lot of the week traveling so I did not get to spend a ton of time online. And twitter seemed to be slow this week as well but i did spend some of my time commenting.

I also did one daily create this week:



Week 8 Recap

To say the least I was a little stressed out this week. I took 2 classes that were 8 week classes and ending this week so I had 2 finals due this week. On top of that in my personal life my mom took emergency custody of my brothers 6 month old baby this week so we were trying to make adjustments for me to take her at my childcare center and get her everything she needed to care for a baby (her kids are full grown or teenagers so baby stuff was long gone). And all of us were trying to adjust to new schedules and figure out how to work things around to help care for a newborn (we raise the kids in our family as a group and help each other as much as possible).

This week our first task was to focus on a radio show that we need to join a group and create. I joined a group with 4 others and created a Blog to describe what we have done so far this week.

Our next task was to comment as much as we can with others. I did this to the best of my ability this week and kept up with others on twitter.

Next we created a Radio Show design Project that i describe in my blog. I did 1 daily create this week

Then I did 12 stars worth or Audio assignments this week, 1 of which is a commercial I can use for the radio show with my group if we choose too. These assignments are described in the following blogs:

Cheesy Radio Ad

Spooky Sounds

and Make a Noise


Cheesy radio Ad

The last assignment I choose to do this week worth 4 stars was to create a  Cheesy Radio ad for Your School because I could also use this for our radio project this week as one of our radio ads in our show. This project was fun to put together and I had a good time with it. I got the sounds of people talking on campus from again and then used my amazon prime for the graduation song at the end. I again used Audacity to put it all together and record my self talking.

I uploaded the final outcome on my sound cloud I hope you guys enjoy the final result.

Spooky Sounds

I choose to do the Spooky Sounds assignment from the assignment bank this week for 4 stars as one of my assignments. I thought this assignment would be fun since it is October and close to Halloween.  I again used Freesounds to collect sound clips for this assignment and audacity to edit them together.

This was really a pretty easy assignment. The hardest part was making all the sounds mesh together and not overlap each other. My final product is on my sound cloud here is the link to it:

Make a Noise


For 4 stars this week I chose to do the assignment Make a Noise from a Normal Sample  audio assignment. This assignment was more difficult than I expected it to be. I choose to use a noise from Freesounds and I used Audacity to edit it to create a new noise with that sound clip. I used a doorbell for my original sound.

I edited it several times and restarted several times till I made something that I felt was different enough from the original doorbell sound. In the end I am glad I choose to do this assignment just because it was fun to learn some new editing skills.

I put my final product on my sound cloud here it is: